Preliminary Possibility 1 - The Verandah

Preliminary Possibility 1 - The Verandah

This preliminary possibility focuses on improved functionality of Willetton’s centre: Boulevards and Open Space • Providing enhanced street tree planting and slower road environment along Burrendah Boulevard and Pinetree Gully Road, with raised road platforms highlighting pedestrian crossing points and slowing traffic. Sporting Precinct • Providing clear vehicle and pedestrian movement systems to the sporting precinct, by modifying the vehicle entry points and improving circulation flows. A new outdoor plaza acts as a forecourt to an expanded basketball stadium. A new ‘sports street’ provides a clearer address for the basketball stadium, Willetton Bowling Club, the sports and community hub building and tennis club. • Providing new adventure playground in the north-eastern part of the sports precinct as an alternative activity for families, particularly during sporting events. • An improved pedestrian path system provided throughout the open space for passive and active recreation. Civic Precinct • Retaining the civic precinct in its current form, but with enhanced play, shade and barbecue facilities to complement its functionality. Shopping Precinct • Allowing redevelopment of the Southlands Shopping Centre to provide external activation along its eastern edge, turning this into an ‘eat street’, with alfresco dining and enhanced planting. The ‘eat street’ is punctuated with a shared plaza / car parking space that can be used for markets or similar events outside peak shopping times (Note: any redevelopment of the Southlands Boulevard Shopping Centre is subject to the landowners priorities and interests).