Age Friendly Canning!

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Cannings Vision for Age Friendly

Our vision is for Canning to be an age friendly city, fostering collaboration with our diverse population of seniors, to ensure inclusivity, accessibility, and to meet the changing needs of our community members as they age.

What’s being shaped?

The City of Canning is developing it's first Age Friendly Plan so that, together with our community, we can better plan for an ageing population and meet the diverse needs of older people now and into the future. The City’s first Age Friendly Plan introduces the concepts of an age friendly community with a set of

Cannings Vision for Age Friendly

Our vision is for Canning to be an age friendly city, fostering collaboration with our diverse population of seniors, to ensure inclusivity, accessibility, and to meet the changing needs of our community members as they age.

What’s being shaped?

The City of Canning is developing it's first Age Friendly Plan so that, together with our community, we can better plan for an ageing population and meet the diverse needs of older people now and into the future. The City’s first Age Friendly Plan introduces the concepts of an age friendly community with a set of identified actions for completion over a two year time frame from 2024 - 2026.

An Age Friendly City, is inclusive and accessible for people of all ages. This encompasses spaces and places, programs and initiatives that make a community better for all residents including children, young people, parents and in particular older people.

Our Plan consists of three pillars, aligning with The 10-year State Seniors Strategy (2023-2033) and first five-year Action Plan (2023-2027):

Pillar 1: Welcoming, safe and friendly communities

Pillar 2: Thriving physically, mentally and spiritually

Pillar 3: Staying connected and engaged

We need you, our valued Canning community, to help us deliver on proposed actions within the plan. How? By letting us know:

  • What you value under these pillars of change and consider as priority for planning Age Friendly actions over 2 years
  • Any challenges, barriers and ideas you have for implementing the proposed Age Friendly actions
  • How the City of Canning can best support community to overcome any of these challenges

Your input will help shape key priorities of the City of Canning's Age Friendly Plan 2024 - 2026 so that, together, our community can thrive where they live.

Get Involved

The City will be rolling out a number of community engagement events in addition to the survey on this page. You will find the list under the Key Dates section and we hope to see you there!

What are the next steps?

We are seeking community consultation on the draft Age Friendly Plan. There are a range of ways to connect, share and learn...

Age Friendly Overview

For the purposes of this Plan, the term ‘seniors’ refers to anyone aged 65 years and over or any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person aged 55 years and over. We also acknowledge that age is just a number and Canning seniors are not limited in this capacity. Canning seniors come from many diverse and culturally rich backgrounds including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds, people with visible and non-visible disability, people who identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, members of multifaith, multilingual and multicultural community, veterans, grandcarers and carers. It is important to recognise and value the experiences, challenges and commitments of older people within the Canning community, for what they have achieved and continue to achieve.

The actions within our first Plan will support seniors to:

  • feel welcomed and safe;
  • thrive physically, mentally and spiritually; and
  • stay connected and engaged with community.


If you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450. Alternatively, call the City on 1300 422 664 for assistance. This page is available in other languages. Look to the top right hand side of the page and there is a button saying 'Translate this page'. Click on the arrow and choose the language that best suits your needs.

  • Aged Care Reforms

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    Stay informed about the changes to Aged Care

    Subscribe to aged care newsletters and alerts by joining the mailing list and stay up-to-date with issues affecting the aged care sector.

  • Canning's Purple Roads

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    The Purple Road Project is a collaborative artwork initiative that aims to raise awareness about elder abuse.

    Thank you to Beananging Kwuurt Institute, Rostrata Craft Group and all the creative community members who helped design an amazing three Purple Roads for Canning last month! The participants all commented on the strength, support and solidarity they found, while making all the individual flowers representing a symbol of Elder Abuse Awareness.

    You're invited to come and see the amazing Canning Purple Roads at Riverton Library from 8 - 27 June 2024, in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June. There will also be resources available for those wanting support or more information about this important human rights issue.

    Below is Aunty Helen, from BKI and their incredible finished Road!

  • Lets End Elder Abuse!

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    supporting image

    Take control of your decisions and empower your life!

    Older Peoples Rights Services

    OPRS focuses on empowering older adults in their decision making by providing relevant advice, information, education and support. In addition calendars, brochures and support materials are produced to assist older adults in making contact with services that can help them.

    Email or call (08) 9440 1663.


    Advocare is the independent Peak Body for Seniors in WA. Services are free, confidential and unbiased. They empower older people by giving them information and choice to make informed decisions to live the life they want on their terms.

    Free call: 1800 655 566 or website:

Page last updated: 10 Jul 2024, 11:53 AM