Urban Forest

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What's happening?

The City is delivering a number of programs, projects, events and initiatives to grow and sustainably manage the City's urban forest. This page provides key activities, dates and surveys so that you can keep in the loop with all things urban forest.


The City of Canning manages 34,190 street trees and 28,534 park trees, as well as natural areas. Private trees also provide amenity and ecosystem services to the broader community as well as the private residences they call home. Collectively, the canopy of all trees covers 9.9% of Canning’s local government area; one of the lowest levels of tree canopy cover of Perth Metropolitan Councils.

The City’s natural assets are often identified as our as most defining feature, beloved by thousands both within our community and across the broader Metropolitan region. Trees play a vital role in Canning. They are the largest living objects in the urban environments and ensure a liveable city. Trees, unlike other City assets, increase in value as they age, emphasising the importance of maintaining tree longevity in sustainable urban forest management. A well-managed urban forest will improve health and well-being, reduce the impacts of heat, floods and bring nature into the city as well as increase economic activity and increase property values.

Our community has told us they want more trees and greater tree canopy cover. In response to this council endorsed an urban forest strategy to provide a road map to sustainably manage and grow the City of Canning's urban forest.

What's happening?

The City is delivering a number of programs, projects, events and initiatives to grow and sustainably manage the City's urban forest. This page provides key activities, dates and surveys so that you can keep in the loop with all things urban forest.


The City of Canning manages 34,190 street trees and 28,534 park trees, as well as natural areas. Private trees also provide amenity and ecosystem services to the broader community as well as the private residences they call home. Collectively, the canopy of all trees covers 9.9% of Canning’s local government area; one of the lowest levels of tree canopy cover of Perth Metropolitan Councils.

The City’s natural assets are often identified as our as most defining feature, beloved by thousands both within our community and across the broader Metropolitan region. Trees play a vital role in Canning. They are the largest living objects in the urban environments and ensure a liveable city. Trees, unlike other City assets, increase in value as they age, emphasising the importance of maintaining tree longevity in sustainable urban forest management. A well-managed urban forest will improve health and well-being, reduce the impacts of heat, floods and bring nature into the city as well as increase economic activity and increase property values.

Our community has told us they want more trees and greater tree canopy cover. In response to this council endorsed an urban forest strategy to provide a road map to sustainably manage and grow the City of Canning's urban forest.

  • The City of Canning encourages residents to support the Urban Forest Strategy by offering street trees for your verge. We provide a variety of trees, including local species to improve amenity to our community and support native fauna.

    We plant trees in autumn and winter and provide summer watering for the first two years. 

    Please note -

    • The City accepts tree planting requests only from property owners for trees adjacent to their property. Tenants should contact the property agent or owner for verge tree applications
    • We may make species substitutions based on expert advice.

    To register your interest, please complete the below form and we will contact you when requests open, typically in October.

    Complete Form
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    WA Tree Festival brings local councils and community groups together to help share the value of trees collectively. From highlighting the importance of daily connections to nature, and the often-invisible benefits trees provide, to understanding issues around tree canopy loss, climate change and how you can help –  the City of Canning is a proud partner and is seeking your feedback on how we can deliver more engaging urban forest events in the future. By completing this survey you may go into the draw to win one of 3 urban forest themed prize packs. Prize packs only available to City of Canning residents and/or ratepayers. One prize per household.

    Share WA Tree Festival on Facebook Share WA Tree Festival on Twitter Share WA Tree Festival on Linkedin Email WA Tree Festival link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    The City of Canning Free Tree Giveaway is back and bigger than before! This time re-branded as EcoConnect!

    Last year we gave away 600 trees to residents to increase tree canopy and habitat for local fauna.This year we have stepped it up and by giving away 1000 trees for gardens! In conjunction with the WA Tree Festival we will be joined by other local eco-conscious groups where you:

        • Learnt about local conservation groups and collect a native  plant for your garden

        • Brought along your small electronic items to be recycled or repurposed with Sam's Spares

        • Caught a glimpse of our eco inspired art exhibition 

    By completing this survey your feedback will help us improve the event for next year and you can also go into the draw to WIN one of three advanced self pollinating almonds. One prize per household, must be City of Canning resident or ratepayer.


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Page last updated: 17 Jul 2024, 03:58 PM