What is the Whaleback Concept Plan?

    The concept plan for Whaleback is a document that outlines a vision that could guide the development of the golf course. It isn’t a detailed design, but is:

    • a document that sets out how a particular area can (as opposed to will) develop into the future
    • a high level plan intended to set out objectives and strategies to manage development and change over time
    • a process that defines what is important about a place and how its character and quality can be conserved, improved and enhanced.

    Have any decisions been made already?

    In March, the City of Canning Council deferred consideration on the Whaleback Concept Plan to the September Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM), giving time for Council to review the community consultation reports and for our new CEO to review the project.

    At a briefing with Elected Members in late August it was determined that no further work on the Concept Plan will be undertaken in the short-term. The City also notes that the Concept Plan has not been endorsed by Council.